The Art Of Hand Washing

Posted by Admin on September, 18, 2021

Cleanliness is a way of life that every child should learn right from childhood. And it is the first and foremost duty of every parent to inculcate this in children so that a better and modern society is formed. Because it is absolutely true that today’s children are tomorrow’s future. So, what they learn today stands them in a good position tomorrow as adults.

What Is Cleanliness

Cleanliness means keeping oneself clean so that germs and bacteria do not wreak havoc on their bodies. Staying dirty is the optimum condition for bacteria and germs to breed on the bodies. And a clean body reflects a clean mind and helps people to work efficiently.

How Do We Stay Clean

There are many ways of keeping clean. Let us see how we can keep clean:

Brushing: Every morning, as soon as we get up, the first thing that we do is brush our teeth. That is a way of beginning the day on a clean note. If we do not brush, the bacteria that form in our mouth during the night will help our teeth to decay. Dentists all over the world recommend that we brush our teeth twice daily for best results.

Bathing: Then we take a bath to rid our bodies of the bacteria again with soap that has either been prescribed by doctors or that is available in the open markets. We live in a hot and humid country where we are constantly perspiring during the day; so again, it will not harm our bodies if we take a bath twice daily.

Hand washing: Today, hand washing has come to occupy a significant position in our lives because of the harmful pollutants and germs and bacteria that are constantly moving around in the atmosphere.

That is why frequent washing of hands is always recommended. Now with the advancement in technology and medical science, the markets are flooded with hand washes having different aromas and chemical compositions that vary from company to company.

All around the world today, people are washing their hands frequently with hand sanitizers upon the recommendations of WHO. That is why the item is being so aggressively marketed. It has become a part of our daily rituals even in India. So, many Hand Wash Exporters from Gujarat are marketing it widely.

What Is Hand Wash

The hand liquid soap is developed to wash and clean one’s hands. In the group of cleaners or detergents, the hand wash is the best selling item which is why Hand Wash Exporters from all around the world are quickly responding to the need of the day.

Liquid soap or hand wash contains various surfactants in addition to antibacterial agents and fragrances that make it the item that we need today. It has been deemed safe for everyone including small children. The herbal liquid soaps have herbal extracts in them.

When Should We Use Hand Wash

Have you ever wondered when you should wash your hands and how frequently it should be done? I guess not. But now, it is high time that we all got down to thinking how, when, why we should wash our hands.

Good hand hygiene can only be maintained with frequent hand washing with hand wash soap of reputed brands. That way, we are ensured that our hands are germ-free. It would roughly take around 40 seconds to get it cleaned properly.

Now the vital question of how to wash comes. After wetting the hands with water, a liberal amount of the hand wash should be spread onto the palms both back and front and in between the fingers and thumbs as well. Lastly, the wrists should also be cleaned. Good quality hand wash can be supplied by Hand Wash Exporters, Gujarat.

This entry was posted on September, 18, 2021 at 11 : 05 am and is filed under Hand Wash. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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